Bad Boomer Behavior

Understanding what motivates and inspires Boomers and Gen X since 2022

“Wisdom is the reward for surviving our own stupidity.”

– Brian Rathbone

10 unacceptable things boomers did that would not be allowed today

Boomers were provided with many inapt gears, totally obnoxious in today's civilized era. Boomers were raised in an environment lacking parental hold, unsupervised outdoor activities, and exposure to uncensored television content. These practices had an irrational impact on boomers, which is, of course, not acceptable in today's cultured epoch.  Here are 10, beginning with somatic punishments.


Boomers seem to have traded in the child-raising village for traveling. Now millennial parents say they have no one to support them.

Looking back on her childhood, Kristjana Hillberg said that it was "never a question" whether her grandmother would watch her and her brother when their parents went on a trip. "If Mom and Dad ran out of town, we were at Grandma's," the 33-year-old told Business Insider. "Grandma wasn't going anywhere, and we always knew that.” But Hillberg, a mom of three, said there's no guarantee that her parents or in-laws would do the same for their grandkids — certainly not at the snap of a finger.


Nobody is talking about Gen X. Gen Xers say they like it that way

Every generation has its stereotype — millennials are whiny, Gen Z is weird, and boomers are selfish. Gen X's is that no one remembers them. Earlier this year, TikToker Bryan Lee complained that while boomers, millennials, and Gen Zers receive a lot of criticism, Gen Xers — those born between 1965 and 1980 — are "let off the hook.” "Why aren't we talking shit about those guys? They were teenagers in the '80s and were in their 20s in the '90s. Those were the sickest decades." he said. Lee questioned why Gen X hadn't been criticized for "not saving the planet," and for failing to fulfill their promises. Gen X viewers immediately began weighing in, and some jumped to defend themselves. "GenX gets a pass because we raised ourselves. Definitely our bad on the tech bros, though. Sorry," wrote one.


Okay, boomer. NYC the 6th most rapidly aging US city

The report notes that “Within the U.S., some regions are aging more rapidly than others. In particular, the New England states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine stand out for the rapid growth of their 65-and-over population. Vermont leads the nation with a 5.9-percentage-point increase in its senior population between 2012 and 2022, followed closely by Maine at 5.6% and New Hampshire at 5.5%. Western states including Wyoming (+5.6 percentage points), Hawaii (+5.4%), and Alaska (+5.3%) also rank highly for their growth rates.”At the metro level, the most rapidly aging cities in the U.S. are spread throughout the country, with Sun Belt destinations proving to be attractive retirement locations that in many cases are bringing more older Americans into their populations. In others, economic decline has limited the number of younger people moving in or families adding children, allowing the existing older population to grow. Looking only at large cities, NYC experienced the 6th greatest increase in its 65-and-over population in the country.


Reasons why so many baby boomers got rich

The financial success of the baby boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, is often a topic of discussion and sometimes envy. According to a MagnifyMoney analysis of Federal Reserve data, the average baby boomer now has a median net worth of $206,700. However, the average net worth of baby boomers is considerably higher, at a whopping $1.2 million. This generation experienced a unique set of circumstances that contributed to their wealth accumulation. Here are some key reasons why many baby boomers managed to amass significant wealth.


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