Vicious attack on our generation

Specializing in Creative for the 50+ Generation

“I have learned that to be with folks I like is enough.”— Walt Whitman

Vicious attack on our generation (worth the read)

Everything about this generation (boomers) comes back to what Paul Begala called “the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-interested, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in American history.” They are the “Me Generation” and everything about today’s self-obsessed modern culture comes from their megalomania. Like a spoiled toddler who wants you to look at his poo, boomers can’t wait to rub your face in their shit.


A new start after 60: I did my first Ironman at 61 – after my husband bet I couldn’t beat him

It’s amazing to know my body can move like this at my age and I want to show other women that they can do it too…

Drawn to the adrenalised combination of pain and excitement that comes with endurance sport, Francesch began to compete in more triathlons, often with her husband by her side. By 2019, she was working from home full-time and set her sights on a new challenge. “Every time I met someone who had competed in an Ironman, I was in awe – it seemed impossible,”


The 'Big 4' of boomer dad rock bands

It's actually quite rare that a band can continue to have an impact on you from the moment you hit your teens all the way through the period of adulthood. Many acts simply don't last that long or their music tales off in such a manner that your tastes shift and you move on to something else. But there are those rare rock bands that managed to defy the stylistic shifts and become those generational acts that are universally loved by most for their entirety.


Humanity peaked with the boomers – and it has been downhill ever since

After much measured thought, research and contemplative consideration -which does not, as you might have noticed, come easily to me – I can say, without hesitation, that humanity pretty much peaked with the Boomers and has been coasting, gently, all downhill from there.


Does Buffett like Occidental more than Apple?

Buffett has expressed support for Occidental's carbon capture initiatives. But does he really like Occidental more than Apple? There are at least two reasons to think he might.

Most importantly, the legendary investor continues to aggressively buy shares of Occidental but sold nearly 13% of Berkshire's stake in Apple during the first quarter of 2024. Berkshire owns 28% of Occidental and has secured regulatory approval to acquire up to 50% of the company. In his latest letter to Berkshire shareholders, Buffett listed eight stocks he expects Berkshire to "maintain indefinitely." Occidental was one of them, but Apple wasn't.


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Strange demographic is affecting millennial priorities


Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.